Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Patriarchy Oppressing More Women

As we all know, the Patriarchy is like totes for really reals, which is why in times of danger and bloodshed, we can expect these sad stories of women dying while shielding their boyfriends from harm's way.

So, RIP, to Jon Bunk, Alex Teves, and Matt McQuinn, who despite the patriarchy's indifference towards the safety, station and progress of women rose up against the system and died shielding their girlfriends from the rain of gunfire that killed 12 innocent people.

Or maybe, just perhaps, the Patriarchy is entirely a fabrication of the minds of a few deluded women who find every reason under the sun to excuse away their lack of personal capacity.

Edit:  having scoured the slums (FTB, skepchick, etc) I can't help but notice that none of them is today complaining about the paternalistic white-knighting so egregiously on display in Aurora.  Perhaps after they've overcome the pain and bereavement they're suffering upon learning of the horrible events leaving these unfortunate women traumatized for life, our pioneering heroes will muster up the strength to condemn the dead men for their terribly improvident, flagrant showing off male privilege.