Monday, July 25, 2011

Every Silver Lining Has a Dark Cloud

But we don't like to look at things in that way, though it's how I think in a lot of cases. I like to appreciate something in as many directions as possible.

Anyway, I'm here to tear at your little heartstrings.

Where I live there was a fundraising campaign started up by a little girl, aged nine. In lieu of birthday presents, she instead asked of people to donate to a religious charity providing potable water to families in other, more oppressed nations. She had a modest goal of $300.00 - I have no idea how much water that buys. Madonna could have done a lot more good were she not sending expensive Kabala water to people. I guess branding counts.

"On June 12th 2011, I'm turning 9. I found out that millions of people don't live to see their 5th birthday. And why? Because they didn't have access to clean, safe water so I'm celebrating my birthday like never before," her fundraising page says. "I'm asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday.

Anyway, she failed to meet her goal by something like $80.00. So, she determined next time around to do better, and I'm happy to report that her little campaign has garnered somewhere in the neighborhood of $70,000.00

Good news on that front.

Unfortunately, there was a massive crash here in Seattle a few days ago. It was all the news, tying up one of Seattle's main interstate arteries for hours and hours.  Three days after the crash, Rachel Beckwith was taken off of life support and died.

I won't be donating to this organization because I've yet to find a religious charity that fails to exploit every opportunity to condition assistance on proselytizing. I find this method of quid pro quo to be repugnant. I don't know if this organization is an exception to that rule; I would like to think that it is.

Instead, I'll be donating to MSF, which has no such baggage. They treat all people irrespective of any class to which a person might be said to belong. They are secular, and steadfastly ethical by all accounts.

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